IDRlabs International and the present IDRlabs Islamophobia Test does not condone Islamophobia or the unequal treatment of Muslims. This test provides a composite Islamophobia score, as well as scores for the subscales of unbiased criticism and positivity towards Islam, in order to comprehensively assess the extent of one’s prejudice toward Muslims.
While Islamophobia is often thought of as something that is overtly negative, and hostility towards Muslims is pervasive across the Western world, this test demonstrates the ambivalent and often nuanced nature of the range of attitudes towards Islam that prevail in such countries. The test is a theoretical framework positing that certain criticisms of Islamic practices can legitimately be separated from the bigoted practice of Islamophobia. This Islamophobia Test is based on the New Scale to Measure Islamoprejudice and Secular Islam Critique as developed and refined by these researchers. The IDRlabs Islamophobia Test utilized research from researchers Imhoff, Recker, Crane, and Bano to produce this free online test. The IDR-IT is not associated with these researchers or their affiliated institutions. The IDR-IT is based on research by psychologists Imhoff and Recker, and further developed by researchers Crane and Bano. The IDRlabs Islamophobia Test (IDR-IT©) was developed by IDRlabs International.