The Democratic candidates for governor will join us in-person at 7:30 p.m. June 1, 2022: Democratic Forums (In-person and virtual) May 31, 2022: Republican Discussion (Virtual only) The Republican forum will follow on June 27, 2022, at the University of Maryland (Baltimore County). on June 1 in Ocean City as part of MSBA's Legal Summit, moderated by Baltimore Banner reporter, Pamela Wood, and Dick Uliano, WTOP Washington D.C. The Democratic forum will take place at 7:30 p.m.
MSBA does not endorse or rank political candidates. MSBA invited all Republican and Democratic gubernatorial candidates to participate in these forums. MSBA holds Gubernatorial Forums to deliver political perspective and engagement to legal profession and the publicīALTIMORE, Md., /PRNewswire/ - The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is hosting non-partisan Maryland Gubernatorial Forums in June, offering voters and colleagues in the legal profession an opportunity to learn candidate positions on the most pressing issues facing the state and legal vocation.